
We Love Our Supporters!

February is the month of love, and Saving Grace wants to share a little of it with those who support us. It’s heartwarming to see how much our community cares about their less fortunate neighbors. We are grateful for our financial donors, food donors, nonprofit partner agencies, collaborating partners, team members, volunteers, and other supporters who make our work possible.

Despite the pandemic, Saving Grace raised a record amount during our annual fund drive – $40,025 from 227 donors. In 2020, we rescued and/or redistributed 1,347,981 pounds of fresh, healthy food to feed the hungry. This is a 25% increase over the total amount of food rescued in 2019.

While the numbers are impressive, it’s the lives touched by this generosity that matter most. People who feel the love we are able to share with them through healthy food because of your generosity. Thank you!