
Earth Day Challenge: Submit Photos of Food Donors

Earth Day Omaha and Sarpy County Earth Day have moved to primarily a virtual format for 2021, and Saving Grace is a participant in the Nebraska Earth Day Passport. From April 15 through May 15, participants are being challenged to submit photos featuring one of Saving Grace’s food donors. Photos must be submitted to receive…


We Love Our Supporters!

February is the month of love, and Saving Grace wants to share a little of it with those who support us. It’s heartwarming to see how much our community cares about their less fortunate neighbors. We are grateful for our financial donors, food donors, nonprofit partner agencies, collaborating partners, team members, volunteers, and other supporters…

Drivers loading Saving Grace truckImpact

Food Needs Increase during the COVID-19 Crisis

Saving Grace is on the forefront of a community effort to make sure kids, families and seniors have access to food during these uncertain times. As coronavirus closings lead to mounting job losses and/or pay cuts and students are out of school, the need for food is greater than ever. For the past few weeks,…