Peggy DunnImpact

Personal Experience Motivates Board Member

Peggy Dunn has a passion for the work Saving Grace does that’s fueled by personal experience. Dunn, who is program manager-strategy enablement at Farm Credit Services of America, has served on Saving Grace’s board for the past six years, including two years as chair. “It really stems from my background as a child,” she says…


Impact 2020: Saving Grace Targets Increased Need for Food

If there’s one word that describes our community’s response to food insecurity last year during the pandemic, it is “inspiring.” Saving Grace was privileged to be part of the many conversations and partnerships addressing the increased need for food during these challenging times. In 2020, our work led to 1,347,981 meals being fed to children,…


Milestone: 5 Million Pounds of Food to Feed the Hungry

Five million pounds – that is the amount of food Saving Grace has rescued to feed the hungry in just over seven years. The nonprofit organization, which provides Omaha’s only perishable food rescue dedicated to feeding the hungry with nutritious surplus food that otherwise would go to waste, is celebrating this milestone as the holidays…

Drivers loading Saving Grace truckImpact

Food Needs Increase during the COVID-19 Crisis

Saving Grace is on the forefront of a community effort to make sure kids, families and seniors have access to food during these uncertain times. As coronavirus closings lead to mounting job losses and/or pay cuts and students are out of school, the need for food is greater than ever. For the past few weeks,…