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Ways to Support Saving Grace during Do Good Week

While 2020 was the final year for Omaha Gives, Saving Grace is excited about a new opportunity through Share Omaha for our community to learn how we feed hungry bellies, rather than landfills, with excess perishable food. Support Saving Grace during Share Omaha’s Do Good Week April 19 to 24 and multiply the impact of…


Five Benefits of Being a Food Donor

Have you ever wondered where Saving Grace gets the food it rescues? It’s through partnerships with more than 50 food vendors that donate their surplus fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meats, prepared and packaged meals, grain products and more to feed the hungry. Donors include grocery stores, wholesalers, restaurants, convenience stores, event centers, caterers, schools…


Impact 2020: Saving Grace Targets Increased Need for Food

If there’s one word that describes our community’s response to food insecurity last year during the pandemic, it is “inspiring.” Saving Grace was privileged to be part of the many conversations and partnerships addressing the increased need for food during these challenging times. In 2020, our work led to 1,347,981 meals being fed to children,…


Help Feed 100 People Each Month

In these uncertain times, the need for food is greater than ever. As our community rallies to address increased food insecurity, Saving Grace continues to provide nutritious excess perishable food to nearly 40 nonprofit partner agencies that feed children, seniors, veterans and families. You can help ensure fresh, surplus food feeds those who are food…


We Love Our Supporters!

February is the month of love, and Saving Grace wants to share a little of it with those who support us. It’s heartwarming to see how much our community cares about their less fortunate neighbors. We are grateful for our financial donors, food donors, nonprofit partner agencies, collaborating partners, team members, volunteers, and other supporters…

wrapped holiday giftsImpact

Give a Meaningful Gift during the Holidays

Looking for a Meaningful Gift this Holiday Season? Give a gift that will bring a smile to the face of the recipient – and to the faces of those who benefit from your generosity. Your gift to Saving Grace Perishable Food Rescue in honor of a loved one will help us feed the less fortunate…


Milestone: 5 Million Pounds of Food to Feed the Hungry

Five million pounds – that is the amount of food Saving Grace has rescued to feed the hungry in just over seven years. The nonprofit organization, which provides Omaha’s only perishable food rescue dedicated to feeding the hungry with nutritious surplus food that otherwise would go to waste, is celebrating this milestone as the holidays…


Experience Shines Light on Hunger, Homelessness

Participants in the Omaha Hunger Experience gathered around their own dinner tables to learn about hunger and homelessness in Omaha. The second annual Omaha Hunger Experience was presented one week before Thanksgiving by Saving Grace Perishable Food Rescue and the Stephen Center as part of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The virtual event included dinner,…